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The Human Biofield: Conventional Practices (Molecular view) vs. Bioenergetic View of Life

Writer's picture: emiliakowalski588emiliakowalski588

Conventional medicine looks at how to treat an illness once it has developed, with little or no focus on prevention or even a prognosis that leads to a way out. It looks at approaching health only from a molecular perspective, altering particular biochemical pathways. As naturotherapists and energy practitioners we know, molecular interactions and physiological processes are ever changing and finite. No thought process, no physiological process in the body lasts forever in the same state. It is ever changing. So if we decide to change our thinking and doing, to a more positive way, wouldn't this effect us physiologically and create healthier more homeostatic states of being? Wouldn't this heal the pattern of illness or distortion that was created at the molecular level? If this is so, wouldn't we no longer need a molecular substance to maintain homeostasis for us?

We would, with our own power, heal from the problem that was there in the first place, and even prevent it from returning. Yes, we all have that capacity.

Sometimes the molecular approach is necessary, and it has its place. Especially once a dis-ease has begun and the biochemical processes have been effected. However there is no way to permanently heal the process that has gone wrong as we are always ever changing. There is however, ways to strengthen ourselves physically and non-physically to better manage and prevent further damage or imbalance, and even reverse the disease process itself.

Taking a more open-minded approach, from the perspective of biophysics, and bioenergy, our field that surrounds us and interacts with what happens within our bodies and around us every day, is necessary. Working with this approach it is non-invasive and has no side-effects. It can have a lasting change.

According to some research I have done, one scientist, Dr. Beverly Rubik, PhD, has conducted several experiments in the world of biophysics just to prove how effective holistic therapies can be.

She also studied the effects of EMFs on our biofield, our communication network between physical and non-physical world surrounding us. The results were astonishing. Through experimentation, distortions were found to be emitted from the body, left and right balance of the Nervous System was destroyed, and the biofield itself appeared ragged, and sparky. Further more Heart Rate variability, sticky blood cells, and loss of aura were seen as well. As she states, importantly, that blood flows where the energy goes. So if your energy flows into an area that holds destructive frequencies and your aura becomes weakened or damaged, the blood will flow into that area to try to heal that damage, but in the process it too may become damaged from the exposure to that frequency.

We really have to protect ourselves from EMF's both 4G and 5G.

From these experiments and this new scientific evidence that emerges we can understand that importance new age medicine, and homeodynamic view. It is way more profound than conventional medicine. It can also be integrated and have a more rapid effect on our physiology than any molecular approach. EMF's are just one example of disease causing and distorting frequencies that damage our bodies.

From my experience with Reiki energy (Reiki energy has been specifically mentioned by Dr. Rubik), it uses the mental capacity (and our bioenergy field) to alter the physiological processes of the body. Using neutral homeodynamic and harmonizing thoughts that are practiced on the regular basis, the effect of this mental energy can have an astonishing effect on the disease process, and it can be used to prevent disease in the place. Reiki is one way to work with the biofield. It is also one way to work with the thought process to maintain balance and harmony in our lives and with our health. Several other techniques exist and can be applied the same way (non-invasive and with no side-effect).

I encourage those of you who may be reading this and who may be struggling with any health condition to look into a non-conventional method that catches your attention. You may be surprised how well it can help and in how little time. Why stay stuck? There is no need to stay victim. The time is now.

Find out more by reaching out to our wellness team

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