How often does our subconscious take over when we act emotionally, or express certain emotional patterns? What we are consciously aware of is actually only the tip of the iceberg for most people. Our brain registers 100% of what is going on within and around us however, we are only aware of about 10%. Is there a way to change these numbers? Is there a way to be more aware and reach our full potential? The answer is yes. We can actively engage our senses to be more aware of our brain and body function. This takes effort and a bit of time. As long as you put your will into it, it can be done.
The Limbic Brain
The Limbic Brain is the gateway between the Cortex and Brain Stem. It manages emotions like fear, long-term memories, and social interactions. When we allow ourselves to go deep within, it can bring us to a transition between our outer world and inner state of being. We can achieve this transition by engaging in meditative practices, for example. We can learn to let go of our stress at will. I understand that it may be difficult for you to relax, as you are always connected to things outside of yourself, distracted by so many priorities and events happening in your everyday life. However, it is important to find that hour in your day where you can give yourself a little space to breathe, relax and go within. Allowing this difficulty to relax to persist can lead to imbalances and even illness.
Think of it this way, that by going deep within you at your own will are fully capable to rewire your own brain and achieve mastery of your emotional state. Pretty neat, huh?
How do we access the Limbic system?
Everything begins with relaxation. There are many techniques and ways to bring yourself into a relaxed state. It is okay to have the help of a therapist or healer to guide you into your relaxation. During a healing session, a practitioner can help induce an alpha brainwave state (between wakefulness and sleep). Being in this alpha state helps to bridge the subconscious and the conscious mind, and take you deep inside yourself. At this slower brainwave state you can access more spiritual energy. As adults we are very often in a state of distraction and focusing on what is outside of ourselves. It is normal as we have a lot of responsibilities. However, we can always dive within ourselves and meet with our inner child every once in a while. With persistent practice of meditation and relaxation, it can become natural that one stays in an alpha brainwave state throughout the everyday experience of life. It is then that we can elevate our experience to a higher perspective.
Smell is strongly linked to emotions and memories. Lavender for example, has a very purifying and relaxing effect. One can use Lavender essential oil on their temples, and palms of the hands, or even drop it on their pillow before sleep. It will help to center on the breath. When centered, one can breathe in forgiveness and healing, and exhale anger and sadness, or whatever applies.
If we refer back to the Kabbalah tree of life, we see that every part of the tree has a unique sefirot. We can match each sefirot to a specific scent. For example, Frankincense works together with Kether. It can be anointed on the crown chakra and palms of the hands. One can say an affirmation such as: "I breathe in divinity and worthiness, and I breathe our guilt and shame."
Sound and Music
Sound and music can also help to induce relaxation. Our auditory nerve is strongly connected to the limbic brain. It can stimulate our emotional center. Teenagers often listen to music as it helps to cope with emotional states and self expression. What music can help heal the limbic system?
It is recommended to listen to calming and rhythmic music, preferably without lyrics. Lyrics can activate the language centers and the Cortex, and if we are looking to focus on the Limbic system we can avoid music with lyrics for this purpose. Music can be used together with aromatherapy or other healing methods and exercises. Solfeggio frequencies are very effective. 396 Hz for example helps to release guilt and fear. 417 Hz helps to change breathing and emotional patterns. 528 Hz helps to shape the structure of water and the DNA coil. 639 Hz initiates brain connectedness, and unity. 741 Hz, awakens our intuition, and 832 Hz creates spiritual order and unconditional love.
To maintain a homeostasis, 528 Hz helps to stay at that point; an enlightened state.
The hippocampus is within the Limbic brain. It is actually a structure that is responsible for the production of Dopamine. Dopamine is a molecule (neurotransmitter) that allows us to feel a rush. It also is produced in greater quantities and released when we consume certain substances (drugs or alcohol). Our hippocampus can also activate when we experience a rush or pleasure from other forms of addiction like consumerism or gambling. Dopamine is our driving force to get that feeling over and over again. The unfortunate thing about addiction is that the pleasure is immediate and unfulfilling. But is there a way to achieve this pleasure or this rush without it fading away or becoming an addiction? The answer is yes. With persistent practice of meditation or other forms of relaxation techniques we can develop a long lasting joy and pleasure or bliss. We have to be willing to go inside ourselves to heal. To help with this we can listen to the right music, use aromatherapy on a regular basis, see a somatic therapist to release trauma, and exercise and maintain proper nutrition. If we don't go inside, and we don't release these berried emotions or low state emotions, they can get stored somewhere in our body and lead to illness. It is important to work on healing our Limbic brain in order to heal our emotional state. Are you ready?
